Reviews of The Gift

Reviews of The Gift a children's book written by Rebecca J. Hubbard author of the Growing Strong Together Series. The Gift is a story about friendship between a girl and a horse. It is told from the girl's and the horse's points of view.

Susan barton for Goodreads

The Gift 5 stars


I loved this sweet and unique book! What a wonderful way to teach children about horses, friendship and patience! I adored the way the second half of the book is told from Buck's POV. Brilliant! I highly recommend The Gift!

Jane Finch for Reader's Favorite

The Gift 5 stars


The Gift is a lovely story for young readers, and delightful in its simplicity.   This story is about understanding, companionship, patience, and love.

Very nicely done.

Maria Beltran for Readers’ Favorite

The Gift 5 stars

The Gift by Rebecca J Hubbard... Nice book, well written, and I highly recommend it.